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This is the last Will and Testament of Arthur William Sterry of 71 Penkivil Street Bondi near Sydney in the State of New South Wales Independent. I hereby revoke all former Wills and Testamentary Instruments heretofore executed by me. I hereby appoint Frederick Henry Sterry of 50 Penkivil Street Bondi aforesaid and William John McFarlane of 69 Penkivil Street Bondi aforesaid to be the Executors and Trustees of this my will and in the event of either of my said Executors and Trustees predeceasing me or dying after my death I direct that the Perpetual Trustee Company (Limited) of Hunter Street Sydney aforesaid be appointed an Executor and Trustee in the place of my Executor and Trustee so dying as aforesaid. I hereby devise and bequeath the whole of my estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever situate unto my said Executors and Trustees upon the following trusts, that is to say; As to my property known as Portsea Flats Penkivil Street Bondi aforesaid I direct that my said Executors and Trustees shall permit and allow my dear wife to reside in and occupy during her lifetime the front top flat in the said Portsea Flats free of all rates and taxes whatsoever payable in respect of the said Flats and in the event of my said wife desiring to vacate the said top flat and to reside elsewhere I direct that my said Executors and Trustees shall pay to my said wife the amount of rent derived from the said top flat so vacated by her during her lifetime. I direct that my said Executors and Trustees shall pay to my said wife the sum of three pounds per week for and during her lifetime out of the rents issued and profits of my said estate and that any surplus income remaining after payment to my said wife as aforesaid and of all rates taxes repairs and other outgoing in respect of the management of my estate be divided equally between my sons Arthur James Kevin Sterry and Cedric William Sterry share and share alike and if either of my said sons die leaving issue than such issue shall take equally the share of their deceased parent but in the event of either of my said sons dying without issue I direct that the surviving son shall take the share of the said son so dying without issue as aforesaid. In the event of my said two sons dying without issue I direct that my said estate then remaining shall be equally divided between my sisters Ruby Frances McFarlane, Ida Isabel Cuskey, Elsie Lovelock and my brother Frederick Henry Sterry then surviving in equal shares subject to the devise and bequest to my said wife hereinbefore referred to and so that such division amongst my said sisters and brother shall not take place until the death of my said wife. In the event of both of my said sons desiring to sell my property known as Portsea Flats I direct that same shall be sold as desired but if only one of my said sons is desirous of selling the said Flats then the discretion of my said Executor and Trustee William John McFarlane shall be sought and his consent to the said sale be obtained. I direct that the rest and residue of my estate not herein otherwise disposed of be divided equally between my said two sons.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of May one thousand nine hundred and forty three on this and the preceding page.

Signed by the Testator Arthur William Sterry as and for his last Will and Testament in the present of us both present at the same time who at his request and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. Arthur W Sterry, George M Doran J.P., Lola J Doran.

In the estate of Arthur William Sterry late of Penkivil Street Bondi in the State aforesaid Independent deceased Testate
On the fourth day of December one thousand nine hundred and forty four Frederick Henry Sterry of 50 Penkivil Street Bondi in the State of New South Wales Independent and William John McFarlane of 69 Penkivil Street Bondi aforesaid being duly sworn maketh oath as follows …
The above deceased died on the 12th day of October 1944 aged 61 years, was at the time of death married and domiciled in New South Wales. The final balance of the estate of the above mentioned deceased is two thousand one hundred and ninety pounds nineteen shillings and eight pence … [Signed] Fredk H Sterry, W J McFarland

Real Estate £3500
Furniture [as per Schedule 2] £52 8s 0d
Money on current – Bank of Commonwealth Bank [Schedule 3] £128 19s 2d
Government Stock [as per Schedule 3] £60
Life Policies [as per Schedule 4] £425
Bonuses [as per Schedule 4] £21 15s 0d
Dutiable estate £4188 2s 2d
Total debts £1997 2s 6d
Final balance upon which duty is payable £2190 19s 8d

Schedule No 1
Land Valuation
Certificate No 91277 Application No 66417
District of Waverley Ward or Riding Bondi Valn 1757
Owners Name Estate of the Late Arthur William Sterry
Street Penkivil. Side W. House No ro name 71 “Portsea”
Portion Sec 1. Lot 7 & pts 3/ 5 D. P. Area or Dimensions 69 ft 2 x 165 ft
Date of Valuation Sixth of September 1944
Unimproved Value One thousand three hundred and fourteen pounds £1314
Improved value Three thousand five hundred pounds £3500
Assessed Annual Value Three hundred and fifty pounds £350
Improvements comprise Detached Double Fronted Brick House used as Six Flats. One of Three rooms, Kitchen and Offices; One of three rooms, Two Verandahs and Bathrooms; Two of Two Rooms, Kitchenette and Bathroom and One of Two Rooms, Cooking Recess and Bathroom and One of one Room, Kitchen and Bathroom, Slate Roof, Brick Garage, Galvanized Iron Roof.
S. A. Giraud, Valuer General

Schedule No 2
Valuation by Arthur T Elley & Sons, 24 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction
Palm Stand 2s 6d
Palm Stand 12s 6d
Palm Stand 15s 0d
2 Vases £1 10s 0d
Palm Stand 15s 0d
2 Easy Chairs £2 5s 0d
Coffee Table 10s 0d
Settee & Chair £1 10s 0s
Table £2 10s 0d
4 Chairs £2 10s 0d
Lino & Rug £2 0s 0d
Table & Chair 15s 0d
Grass Table 10s 0d
2 Chairs 10s 0d
2 Single Beds & Bedding £2 5s 0d
Matting 10s 0d
Table £1 2s 6d
4 Chairs £1 10s 0d
Sideboard 12s 6d
Traymobile 7s 6d
Lino £1 1s 0d
Carpet Runner £1 0s 0d
Table 7s 6d
2 Chairs 15s 0d
2 Rugs £2 0s 0d
Rug £1 10s 0d
Hall Stand 7s 6d
Grass Chair 10s 0d
2 Chairs £1 5s 0s
Refrectory Table £2 5s 0d
Table 5s 0d
Easy Chair £1 0s 0d
Single Bed £2 0s 0d
Chair £1 0s 0d
Lounge £2 10s 0d
3 Rugs £2 5s 0d
Easy Chair £3 10s 0d
Easy Chair £3 0s 0d
Easy Chair £1 0s 0d
2 Oak Chairs 15s 0d
Grass Chair 10s 0d
Palm Stand 2s 0d
Mirror 7s 6d
Total £52 8s 0d

Schedule No 3
Commonwealth Bank
Current Balance as at 12/10/44 £128 19s 2d
A/c 27922 Arthur William Sterry Trustee for Cedric William Sterry £38 6s 9d
Treasury Bonds £60

Schedule No 4
The Australian Temperance & General Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd
Policy No 831344 – Arthur William Sterry deceased
Amount payable £446 15s 0s including £21 15s 0s bonuses

Annexure “D”
Details of persons entitled to property included in the dutiable estate
James Kevin Sterry, son, half share, Will
Cedric William Sterry, son, half share, Will
Mary Margaret Sterry, widow, annuity of three pounds per week and flat to reside in during life, Will

Affidavit Debts
Leo Buring Ltd NSW for Goods £1 7s 6d
Kloof Trust Pty Ltd for Mortgage on Real Estate in Schedule No 1 £1950 0s 0d plus interest £19 10s 0d
Water & Sewerage Board for Rates £26 5s 0d
Total £1997 2s 6d

8 Nov 1944
Beatrice Bell Prince of the War Memorial Hospital Birrell Street Waverley, Nursing Sister
… The said deceased departed this life at Birrell Street Waverley in the said State on the twelfth day of October 1944.