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Supreme Court of Victoria
Probate David Chaplin Sterry late of Alley Street Ironbark Bendigo, Gentleman

All that piece of land in the State of Victoria situate at Ironbark Bendigo being Allotment 71 of Section A containing one road on which is erected the two storied Hotel and premises known as the Gold Mines Hotel built of brick and stone containing 12 rooms Bar Bathroom, Coach house Stables etc. Valued by H M Marks Bendigo Sworn Valuator at £1050
Furniture and effects particular of which are annexed and marked “B” £139 7s 6d
Metal Badge, loose stone, pair gold sleeve links, pair spectacles, gold Hunting Watch & chain, silver watch, gold medal, metal chains & badge, pair gold sleeve links, brooch, diamond studs valued at £13 10s 6d.
Money in house £20
Life Policy in National Mutual Life Association of Aust No 275 with bonus £843 18s
Shares in Wherry Engine Company Bendigo £31 10s
Shares in New Chum & Victoria Quartz M9 Coy Bendigo, South Russell G. M. Coy nr Kyneton, Goldfields North G. M. Coy Bendigo – all of no value
Total £2098 6s

O’draft and Interest Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd [title to Real Estate held in security] £575 13s 7d
Dentist 5s
Premium on National Mutual Life Association policy £8 7s 1d
Argus Newspapers £2 12s
H L Atkinson Dr Bendigo Medical Attendance £12 8s
Bendigo Gas Coy £5 12 11d
J Illingworth Golden Square Brewer Loan £50
Quick Hyett & Rymer Solicitors Bendigo £1 1s
Albert Bush Co Grocers £1 1s
D Anderson Bendigo Chemist Medicines 10s
Total £657 19s 7d
Balance for Duty £1640 6s 5d

Will proved 1 Dec 1904. David Chaplin Sterry died 26th September 1904. Executor James Peter Brodribb McQuie, Manager of The Sandhurst and Northern District Trustees Executors and Agency Company Limited of View Street Bendigo

This is the last Will and Testament of me David Chaplin Sterry of Sandhurst in the Colony of Victoria.

I appoint The Sandhurst and Northern District Trustees Executors and Agency Company Limited Executor and Trustee …. I devise all my real estate and bequeath all my personal estate to the said Company upon trust … for the benefit of Mrs Sterry during her life time but no longer she shall be entitled to the interest accruing from any monies or properties as held in trust which shall be paid to her from time to time during her lifetime but no longer by my Executors and Trustees in such manner as they may think best and proper and they shall permit her to occupy should she think fit during her life time but no longer the property and belongings of the Gold Mines Hotel at such nominal rents as they may think proper and upon the death of Mrs Sterry the whole of my property of whatsoever description shall be converted into cash and the proceeds thereof together with all the other money then in the hands of my Executors and Trustees shall be divided by them between my three sons David William Sterry John Chaplin Sterry and Alfred Ernest Sterry or the survivors of them share and share alike.

In witness whereof I the said David Chaplin Sterry have to this my last Will and Testament hereunto set my hand this tenth day of December 1888.

Witnessed by Robert Dennis of 131 Nelson Street Annandale Sydney, Esquire and Edward Wayth, formerly of Pall Mall Bendigo Mining Investor but who … died some years ago in Africa.