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In the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria
In the Will of Robert Sterry late of Brighton in the Colony of Victoria, Salesman, deceased

Probate granted 20 Nov 1890 to Elizabeth Jane Sterry of Brighton, the widow of the deceased and sole executrix.

Robert Sterry died on the 11 Oct 1890.

Real Estate
All that piece of land situate at Asling Street Brighton having a frontage of 41 feet to Asling Street by a depth of 528 feet on which are erected two small weather board cottages one containing five rooms lately occupied by deceased and the other containing three rooms occupied by a tenant at Frederick Lane at a weekly rent of nine shillings - assessed at £45. £800
Personal Estate
Furniture £47 14s 0d
Jewellery £15
Cash in house £8
Life Policy on life of deceased in Australian Widows Fund £100
with bonus thereon £8 10s
Total £979 4s

Mortgage of within mentioned land to Messrs Gibbs and McKenzie £500
Interest due £7 15s
Medical Attendance Dr Finemore of Bay Street Brighton 26 16s 6d
Painters Macpherson & Laurie work done £3 4s
Painters S S Drew work done £6 4s 9d
A Cochrane Wood & Coal Merchant £3 4s 9d
Clothes supplied The Wholesale Clothing Company, 129 Bourke St Melbourne £3 10s
J McCaffery Livery Stab;e £3 5s
W R Hawkins Co Florists – flowers supplied 6/6
J Nightingale, Plumber – work done £1 1s 6d
J McDowall, Carpenter – work done - £6 12s
Lines & Co wood & coal supplied £1 9s
John Rogers, Ironmonger – goods supplied £3 6s 6d
A A Westreat, Plumber – work done £1
F Blackham News Agent Argus supplied July 26 to Sep 12 1890 6/8
Total £576 8s 7d
Balance for duty $402 15s 5d
No duty payable.

This is the last Will and Testament of Robert Sterry of Brighton, Salesman after payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses I give devise and bequeath unto my dear wife Elizabeth Jane Sterry the cottage and land in Asling Street Brighton in the Colony of Victoria now occupied by my dear mother Elizabeth Sterry during her lifetime and at her decease to be held by my dear wife aforesaid for her own sole use and benefit absolutely and for ever. And the remainder of my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever I give devise and bequeath unto my said dear wife Elizabeth Jane Sterry for her own sole use and benefit and free from the debts and control of any husband with whom she may marry. And I appoint the said Elizabeth Jane Sterry Executrix of this my Will and hereby revoke all other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth day of July 1885. Witnessed S P Simmonds, Estate Agent, Bay street Brighton and Jno. Kirkland, Clerk, Church St Brighton.